The Secret to Perfect Smoothies

Summer has arrived, and while I don't want to brag, I am running a whole FIVE KILOMETERS this weekend, please don't be jealous of my superhuman powers.

After I've had a half hour session of pumping my legs of steel down the street, I like to re-boot with a refreshing smoothie, but there are several pitfalls to be aware of in this arena. Solid to liquid ratio is important, stay away from anything with small seeds, and lord never add ice when you have frozen fruit lying around. Now listen carefully because I am about to bestow upon you the key to the perfect, better-than-a-milkshake, smoothie....six readers including my Mom, I give you: The Frozen Persimmon. 

Adding one chopped, extremely ripe, and entirely frozen Hachiya persimmon creates the most silky, rich and perfect texture for your smoothie, no matter what other fruits you add. My very favorite combination appears below, but this one can go with pretty much anything in the produce department, as long as you add a frozen persimmon for texture.

The Greatest Smoothie In the World

1 frozen hachiya persimmon
1/4 cup frozen blueberries
1/4 cup frozen strawberries
1 frozen banana
1 cup apple juice

Throw all ingredients in the blender, adding extra apple juice until you meet desired consistency, and thank me later.

*note: persimmon season is fall, so stock up then and keep in the freezer till summer. This takes some planning but you should have seen my freezer in college. 1 frozen pizza, 1 bottle of vodka, 45 persimmons.


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